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Lead Instructor: HESC 5213 ~ Evironmental and Occupational Public Health


  • This is a graduate level introduction to environmental and occupational public health. This course is designed to provide you with foundational knowledge in the broad and ever-changing field of environmental and occupational health, to introduce you to numerous environmental and occupational health issues, and to encourage critical thinking and reflection on these issues as well as what we can do about them. Finally, this course aims to inspire lasting interest in the role of the environment in shaping the health of individuals and populations in Canada and globally.


Current courses

Teaching-related activites

Leading an evaluation of online teaching and learning


Despite its promise, online teaching and learning in public health education requires further empirical examination. Many questions remain with regards to its effectiveness in terms of learning outcomes and student experiences. Specifically, more research is needed to better understand the academic implications of online teaching and learning, to capture student learning experiences, and to identify tools and strategies that can be used in online teaching and learning environments to encourage student engagement, meaningful dialogue, and critical thinking. This is particularly true for graduate level public health education as very little research has been conducted on the subject to date. The overall aim of this project is to evaluate two graduate level online public health courses, Health Promotion Illness Prevention (HPIP) and Environmental and Occupational Public Health (EOPH), and to identify specific tools and strategies for promoting student engagement, meaningful dialogue, critical thinking in the context of online public health courses.

Graduate students

Prospective students


Prospective graduate students should contact me as early as possible to discuss research interests, past training, availability,  and   funding opportunties. Please consider the following before contacting me:


  • Review my areas of interest and expertise

  • Familiarize yourself with the Department of Health Sciences MSc program

  • I your initial email query, please include:

    • a paragraph regarding your research interests;

    • your academic transcript (an unofficial version is fine);

    • your CV.


Note that the students are encouraged to find their own funding. Please see the Graduate Studies webpage for more informatino regarding GA ships. For information regarding regarding lakehead university check out these links: missions webpage.


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